
Black-Breasted Red vs. Wheaten: A Breakdown of Differences
Dive into the fascinating genetics behind black breasted red and wheaten colorations in poultry. Explore the role of the E locus, recessive traits, and the influence of genetic variations in Oriental Gamefowl.

Preventing and Identifying Dehydration in chicks
Dehydration is one of the most common and dangerous challenges for baby chicks, particularly during the critical first days of life. Small flock poultry keepers must be vigilant in ensuring chicks have constant access to clean water and that conditions in the brooder support proper hydration. This article explores how to recognize dehydration in baby chicks, its causes, and how to prevent it effectively.

Overwintering Chickens
Learn how to keep your chickens warm and healthy during winter with tips on heating, nutrition, and coop insulation. Discover the best ways to provide heat, meet their winter nutritional needs, and decide whether to insulate or heat your chicken coop for optimal winter care.

The Iranian Lari
Willem van Ballekom takes us on an informative journey to Iran to uncover the details about their Lari game. They come in a variety of sizes, with and without beards, and some even have single combs. All have a fierce expression and a rich history.

Bucky’s Story
Through Bucky’s eyes, a story of gamefowl history unfolds and an infectious passion for these birds, for freedom, and for preservation is shared. Bucky was the President of the Assoc. for the Preservation of Gamefowl (APG) in CA for many years, he was the President of the national United Gamefowl Breeders Assoc. (UGBA) for 6 years

The Tuzo- Mystery from the East
The Tuzo, mystery from the East explores the known facts and history behind this beautiful bird. Is this bird a black Asil of Indian origin or does this breed originate in Japan? Many questions answered and many still remain but one thing is for sure, this bird is all game.
Gamefowl Nutrition with Jeff Mattocks
An enlightening interview with poultry nutritionist Jeff Mattocks on the specific nutritional needs of gamefowl. Join us as we bust myths and learn about the proper management of these magnificent birds.

The Ohio National
A look at The Ohio National through the lenses of an Oriental gamefowl enthusiast. Spoiler alert: we need more gamefowl enthusiasts.

Malay Bantam
Malays are thought of as one of the old, pure breeds of poultry. Their sinister look and massive proportions have won them fans all over the world. Malay Bantams were added to the APA standard back in 1904 with the original stock coming from England….